Welcome to MSNitzan.com - The family website of Orri, Meirav and Shai Nitzan, where you can watch and download Orri's videos and photos.
New movies:
Trip with the Nitzans 2009
Passover 2009
Pictures from the second half of 2008:
May: Disneyland
, and playdates with Maya
& Yael
June: Talia's Birthday
, Discovery Museum
& Tzetzi Party in Gan Shula
July: The Nitzan's Visit
August: Hair Cut
September: Renaissance Festival
October: Great America Park
, Visit in Israel
, Sukot
& Halloween
November: Cancun trip
and Others
December: Hanukkah Party
January 2009: Happy New Year with the Shechtermans
Also, Lets welcome our new most precious addition to the family: